Sunday, September 26, 2010

The proof is in the pudding!

Jack is 16 monthes old and is still nursing, yes I am 'one of those' LOL Anyway, he still gets up a few times a night. Usually its no big deal to me because when he first wakes up *(pending on the time) I will bring him in bed with me and we both fall asleep. Sometimes he still wakes up but I get more sleep with him in bed next to me, I dont have to get up or sit up, just usually a matter of rolling over and moving my shirt out of the way LOL. Last night was like any other night, or so I thought. I put Jack to bed about 8:30 and wouldnt you know he slept till 5:30, 9 whole hours of sleep. This is the most he has ever slept. I know I am probably jinxing myself by even talking about it. But I cant beleive he did it.

Little stinker has been pulling my leg all along waking up a few times a night when he knew he could do it. Looks like its time for mommy to go to work, Jack went to work to show me that he could in fact do it, now to keep it up. Thats all on me. I may be free to have my bed to just my husband and I. That is such a blissful sound. A kid free bed. One can only imagine when that day comes hehe. Wish me luck as I need to be strong and keep this up. I dont have problems with him still nursing but I would love to be getting more consecutive sleep at night.

In other words, I have been knitting and neglecting my blog apparently, 2 whole weeks without posting, wish I had lots to sew for it. I have however been cleaning but I am not about to show pics of my house when it was messy so you will just have to beleive me.

I also knit myself a new sweater, finished it too. All the ends are woven in, and the buttons are sewn on. LOL No modeling pics yet but here she is

OH how I wish I could tell you more about it but I have been asked not to. But she sure is purdy. Love her buttons too.

Now on my needles is a sleeveless cardigan type vest for Lily, called In threes

I am hoping to make some matching leg warmers for her too.
Thats all for today! Hope you enjoy your Sunday!
~ thanks for reading , Kristen ;)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Active social lives!!

I think that this fall my girls are going to have more active social lives than me LOL. Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance and tumbling. LOL! Lily was originally going to be taking ballet with the lovely Miss Ashley at this amazing studio, Triple Threat Performing Arts Center and Avry was going to be taking preK tumbling with the talented Miss Molly also at the same studio. But, I am not sure how it happened but more classes were opened up, and room was found for both girls to take a class together. Its a combo class. Pre tap and Pre ballet. I know you thinking isnt Lily already taking ballet, yes indeed she is but she will help out some and there is never such a thing as too much dance is there LOL.
I am so excited, my girls get to do what I have always wanted to do as a child but never could. They get to dance and do extra curricular activities. Will take some finagling on our part but we are going to make it work. My babies get to do the things that I was never able to do and it feels so amazing.

Today I will part leaving you with these words

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you giver her a smile, she'll give you her heart....So if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of sh*t!" ...-Unknown

~ thanks for reading , Kristen ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Take a look with in.....

I was reading this posted from a friend this am on Facebook and it got me thinking. Our children are more of a reflection of us than we may realize. I often see different things when looking at my children. There are times when I see my 16 month old being so gentle and loving on a sweet newborn,

or watching as he carress's her cheek.

And I know that he is as sweet as he is because he is treated just as sweetly at home. There are times when we as parents realize that we are doing something right. I know from these few sweet moments my husband and I are raising a sweet and nurturing little boy.
But as we know there are two sides to every story. There are times when you can look at your sweet child's face and see it scrunched up in anger saying who knows what. You know what? She learned that from you too!! Our children really are a reflection of us, they watch , see and hear everything that we do. No matter how many doors we close and lock or how much we try to whisper they hear it and they know.
Thank goodness no one is perfect and children are such forgiving little creatures. It doesnt take much for us to get ourselves back on the right track. We too fall of the track. Its just a matter of picking up your boot straps and trying again.
Now dont get me wrong, children dont get absolutely everything from us. There are often subject to outside situations that dont involve us. They play with other children who learn from thier parents or caregivers, some are cared for by others when parents need to work or more times than not the television. We as parents are guiding our future leaders, in years to come these sweet little ones, the easily influenced, the spongues ready to absorb anything and everything are going to be running this earth and thier children after them. The Lion King had it right, its a "Circle of Life". Now dont get me wrong there are situations where its not always the parent or caregivers influences that have been passed along to our children, there are times when its something internal that influences our children, and in this one case alone its not completely our fault, but that doesnt mean that we still dont influence our children.
If we want our children to be the best that they can be, then we in turn need to be the best parents that we can be. We need to lead by example. Take a few seconds today to get down to thier level and hug them, lay in the grass looking at the clouds and find the animals and shapes. The only time we need to worry about when guiding our children, is the time flying by and them growing up tooo fast. Savor every moment that you have with them, they are only little once and you only get one chance at guiding them. This is your time to shine, your children will reflect it for many years as will thier children and childrens children.
I will part today and leave you with this

Babies Don’t Keep

By Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing,make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due,
Lullabye, rockaby, lullabye loo.
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo,
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo,
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
For children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs;
Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

~ thanks for reading , Kristen ;)

Friday, September 3, 2010


yes thats right, my sweet Lily started Kindergarten this week. I have been unsure on the days leading up to Wednesday. I was expected to ship my baby off on a big yellow school bus and trust that she was going to be ok. Well we did it, I got a little chocked up but I did not shed a tear. Here she is in her new school duds

She really did love it, here she is with her buddy Lydia, also starting Kindergarten and in the same class .

My big girl on her bus so happy and excited waving me off on her way to school.

As I part I write this one letter

Dear Kindergarten, Please be kind to my baby. Treat her with as much love and kindness she deserves. This is my world and I am sharing her with you. She is sweet, sensitive and ready to learn. Encourage her and embrace her as we have done for all of her 5 years. She will go far with just a little bit of help from you.

Sincerely yours, A kindergarteners Mom

Well her first day went great, she found out that she knows 3 other little girls in her class that ride the bus, and also has a friend from dance on the same bus. She has already come home with a new friend and talk of the 'boys' sitting behind then trying to touch thier hands.... LOL and so it begins.

Today I think the entire state is in anticipation of Earl. Frenzies to get bread , milk and batteries! It is barely raining, well we have had spurts of pouring rain. Today, we sit and watch movies with pop corn and milk shakes in celebration of the long weekend and a success to the start of school .

~ thanks for reading , Kristen ;)